Happy Evil holidays, everyone! All right, I admit it, I’m a geek.  When I saw these stamped Cthulhu Christmas cards from Giggedy Geekmum, I squealed just a little, and the geeky little voice in the back of my head said, “No freakin’ way!” If you aren’t familar with the green, tentacle-faced being, he is a creation of sci fi author H.P. Lovecraft and is often referenced in pop culture when speaking of extreme evil.  (My favorite of Geekmum’s card captions is, “Looks like *someone* was naughty!”)  Using an ingenious technique, Geekmum created her own Cthulhu stamp, enabling her to crank out a lot of cards in just a little time!  Don’t send cards?  Use them as gift tags instead!  [how to make stamped Cthulhu Christmas cards]

Project estimate:

  • Cardboard, on hand
  • Toilet paper tube, on hand
  • Glue, on hand
  • Paper, on hand
  • Acrylic paint, on hand or $1 and up
  • Marker, on hand
  • Cotton balls or rounds, on hand or $1

Total: Free and up