Canvas photo prints are incredibly popular right now, and if you’re thrifty you can even find some pretty good just-pay-shipping deals for them around the internet. Nonetheless, Amy from Living Up went off in search of a DIY version.  She found a couple of good resources and combined them with a ton of tips from her personal experience to make an excellent tutorial.  Now if you can’t decide which photo you should get put onto a canvas, you can print and mount all of them!  (This project would make a fab Mother’s Day gift!)  [how to make a photo print canvas]

Project estimate:

  • Stretched canvas, about $5 and up
  • Tissue paper, on hand or $1
  • Printer paper, on hand
  • Ink jet printer, on hand
  • Workable fixatif, on hand or about $5 and up
  • Spray adhesive, on hand
  • Glue stick, on hand
  • Kraft paper, on hand or $1

Total:  $5 and up