Someday when I design and build my own home, I’m going to put a closet in every room.  I’m a firm believer that there is no such thing as too much closet space!  Unfortunately, most places I’ve lived over the years were designed by people who apparently didn’t share my gusto for storage.  I’m always on the lookout for creative solutions to maximize closet space, like these nifty flip-flop hangers by Jen at Epbot.  Brilliant!  Just think what you can do with all the space you’ll free up on your shoe rack!  [how to make flip-flop hangers]

Project estimate:

  • Wire clothes hangers, on hand or $1
  • Wire cutters, on hand
  • Pliers, on hand
  • Spray paint (optional), on hand or $1 and up
  • Ribbon, on hand or $1
  • Glue, on hand

Total: Free and up