If you’re a follower of our friend Cris at Crissy’s Crafts, you know that she’s an absolute whiz when it comes to turning empty soda cans into gorgeous flowers and other pretties.  Since her flowers only use the sides of the cans, however, she has amassed quite a collection of bottoms.  When her daughter brought home some pine cones recently, she had a brilliant idea that not only turned them into something functional, it also worked as a solution to her surplus can bottom problem!  The resulting candle holders are the perfect addition to a fall centerpiece or mantle display.  [how to make pine cone candle holders]

Project estimate:

  • Pine cones, on hand
  • Soda can bottoms, on hand
  • Spray paint, on hand or $1 and up
  • Hot glue, on hand
  • Candle, on hand or $1

Total:  Free and up