Looking for something a little bit different for your holiday decorating this year?  How about a bunting made with  pie  pans and cupcake liners?  Yes, you read that right!  Becca from Blue Cricket Design came up with this clever idea using supplies from the baking aisle.  Most of the assembly is kid-friendly as well, making this a family project you won’t mind displaying in your home’s decor.  And my inner magpie is loving the shiny touch of the pie tins!  [how to make a pie tin holiday bunting]

Project estimate:

  • Small pie tins, $1 and up
  • Cupcake liners (2 sizes), on hand or $1 and up
  • Fabric, on hand
  • Ribbon, on hand
  • Hot glue gun, on hand

Total:  $1 and up