DIY Aluminum Can Craft Ideas - from

I don’t know if you saw me in the Take This, Make That section of All You Magazine this month, but yep, there I was! They matched me up with Kelly Dixon from — we both made crafts with recycled cans, and All You wants to see who DIY’d it better! You can click on the picture above to vote via Facebook.

Create a canister out of a recycled can -

The rules? We had to create a craft using a recycled aluminum can. We could only use $5 in materials, and the craft needed to have three steps or less. Phew! Talk about a tall order. Lucky for me, I’m used to budget crafting and keeping it simple! My idea was to create jute canisters using cans, jute rope and twine, and a wooden ball. About 30 minutes and a bit of hot glue later, I had a dandy set of graduated canisters.

Project Materials:

  • Recycled can with lid, on hand (I used a nut can that came with a lid)
  • Jute rope, about $2
  • Wooden knob, about $.50 each
  • Hot glue, on hand

Total: About $2.50

So, who do you think DIY’d it better? Cast your vote at the All You Facebook page!