DIY projector for smartphones

If you’re into anything that has to do with photography, Photojojo is an amazing site full of DIY tips, tricks, and projects for all aspects of picture-taking.  This idea reminds me of the old slide shows that people used to put together for loved ones – remember those?  Next time you go on a vacation or dig up a bunch of old family photos, you too can have a slide show…  Using your smartphone!  How seriously cool is that?  All you need is about $1 worth of materials and a blank wall, and it’s like you’ve got a little movie theatre in your pocket!  (Got Netflix on your phone?  Grab some popcorn and have a movie night!)  Projectors are also handy when you are trying to enlarge an image for a project, such as painting a logo on a wall.  This might be the handiest use for a cardboard box you’ve ever seen!  [how to turn your smartphone into a projector]

Project estimate:

  • Smartphone, on hand
  • Magnifying glass, $1
  • Cardboard box, on hand
  • Paper clip, on hand
  • Black paint, on hand or $1
  • Electrical tape, on hand or $1

Total:  $1 and up