Bath Time Soap Animal

I got the inspiration for this craft watching Shark Tank. The creators were looking for investors. They now sell for $14.95 and work about the same way as the ones I created.

DIY Bath Time Soak Toy - I got the inspiration for this craft watching Shark Tank. The creators were looking for investors. They now sell for $14.95 and work about the same way as the ones I created.

Project estimate:

  • Stuffed aquatic animal, $1
  • 1 kids sock, on hand or $1
  • Needle & thread, on hand
  • 1/4 inch Velcro, on hand or $1 and up
  • Soap, on hand or $1
  • Buttons, on hand

Total:  $1 and up

Bath time soap animal

Remove all tags from animal and one of the kids socks.

Bath time soap animal

Cut the sock just below the heel, as shown in the picture. Turn over the edge into the sock and sew it, using the stitch below, on half of the top.

Bath time soap animal

Bath time soap animal

Bath time soap animal

Pin the sock to the tummy of the animal. Start sewing from where you left off and sew around the sock to the other side. Cut your thread and tie a square knot.

Bath time soap animal

Bath time soap animal

The Velcro I bought had adhesive backs. I removed the paper and hot glued them on the top and inside of the sock. This keeps the soap inside the sock. I also sewed and glued a button on top of it so that it was easier to open to remove the soap.

Bath time soap animal

To give the animals a little personality, I sewed and hot glued buttons on them. After I sewed them I added hot glue under and around the button and on the thread. If either fails, the other should hold. I feel that this extra precaution is necessary since this is a child’s toy.

After using, remove the soap and hang with a plastic clothes pin to dry. I chose not to add a loop to hang it on for safety reasons. The animal can be machine washed.