Wreath made out of recycled gift wrap - Dollar Store Crafts

I’ve made a new commitment for 2017: I am going to make a wreath a day for the entire year! That’s 365 wreaths, and I am gonna make them all!

First I want to tell you about the rules I have laid out for myself:

  1. I will make 365 wreaths this year
  2. I will focus on using materials I already have in my stash (read: my full garage of stuff)
  3. I will post about my wreath-making progress right here at Dollar Store Crafts
  4. I will attempt to make one wreath a day, BUT
  5. If I fall behind, I am allowed to make it up, as long as
  6. I will make 365 wreaths this year.

That way, if I have a day where there’s no way I can make a wreath, my project isn’t completely blown. I am happy with this set of rules because it allows me to complete my goal without getting upset if for some reason I fail on one day.

I hope that you will join me in making some wreaths this year!