Reader Judy Streger tipped me off about her amazing experimentation with plastic Easter grass to create a substance much like Angelina Fiber. She also had to tip me off about what exactly Angelina Fiber is, but once I found out (an iridescent fusible fiber used for fabric, paper, and other crafting), I was impressed with her findings! You can find Easter grass a-plenty at the Dollar Store this time of year, so go pick some up and start experimenting according to Judy’s findings! Or save the grass from your kiddo’s Easter basket to use after the holiday is over!

She also experimented with fusing punchinella (the background left after sequins are punched out) into beads! I love that idea! She fused the punchinella around a dowel using an iron and two layers of parchment paper.

Project Estimate:

  • Easter grass, $1 (or on hand, after Easter!!)
  • Parchment paper, on hand
  • Iron, on hand

Total cost: FREE and up

Thanks, Judy, for sharing your findings with us!

Here’s a photo of fused Angelina Fiber from (some info on Angelina at this page). [The Sojourner Blog]

For a very good idea of what Angelina Fiber is and how it works (plus lots of gorgeous pictures!) check iHanna’s page.