MaryAnne at Thrifty Craft Mama came up with this great idea for a portable felt board. Put this one in the seat pocket of your car, and your kiddo has an instant travel toy! I wonder if we can come up with a whole filebox of portable toys that fit inside manila folders? Let’s put our heads together and start coming up with more ideas!
When I make this, I think I will glue an envelope on the other side of the folder to keep the pieces in when we’re not using it.
Project Estimate:
- Sheets of felt, $.25 each
- File folder, $1 for many
- Glue stick, on hand
Total: $1.25 and up
Oooh, just with a feltboard you could do tic-tac-toe or if you had a different feltboard checkers?
I wonder if you put some white contact paper in there if you could do a dry erase type board.
I wonder about something with magnets? My daughters’ have a few magnetic paper dolls (some from the dollar spot at Target) but we’ve only got one small metal case to keep them in and play with them on.
You can get a non-aluminum cookie sheet at the dollar store (or they have these really pretty fake-silver platter/tray things that work with magnets) to bring along in the car with you!
I have another idea for the file box: use black sand paper and colored yarn. This works great for toddlers. I put mine in the big plastic bags. Its tactile, and they can make pictures or shapes. Sometimes, they just explore the different pieces of yard and how they stick to the sandpaper.
Thanks for featuring my craft, I love your suggestion of adding an envelope to keep pieces in!
Small cookie sheets painted as playing boards with round magnets painted to be checkers or painted with symbols to be chess pieces. Also, basic clip boards painted with chalk board paint or made into dry erase boards.
I really like the craft featured today, although I think that a clip board covered with felt would make for a sturdier board, and you could clip an envelope or baggie of the felt pieces at the top.