Arrrgh, September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day! Here’s a piratical craft in honor of the special day! Of course, ye can make a snowglobe with any ingredients ye want, so if ye aren’t into pirates, feel free to adapt it to yer own interests! Craftster user ohiodiygirl made this snowglobe using stuff she got at her dollar store. She ingeniously paired a round glass vase with a drain stopper to create her own snowglobe! [click here for lots of pictures and more info]
Project Estimate:
- Round glass vase, $1
- Drain stopper, $1
- Gold coin party favors, $1
- Glitter, $1 or on hand
- Pirate ship magnet, $1
- Hot glue or aquarium silicone sealer, on hand
Total: $5
To Make:
Ohiodiygirl used hot glue to secure the drain stopper to the top of the vase, but it might work better if you use silicone sealer (like for aquariums). Here is what she said about her process:
I found the key is to make sure the water doesn’t touch the brim and then I hot glued it in and left it sit and completely dry before touching it. If the water gets in while the hot glue is drying it will cause the lid to pop out. I would recommend trying something other than regular glitter though, maybe test what you want to use in a glass of water first because now it is starting to get a little cloudy.
Martha Stewart recommends adding a bit of glycerin to distilled water to keep the glitter from falling too fast.
This is a great craft! I mean, “Arrrr, this craft be seaworthy!”
You might try using a preservative or a bit of alcohol to keep the cloudiness away. Or, skip water completely and use mineral oil instead.