Reader Mandi Shandi sent this great idea in for a decorative topiary tree, all made from stuff on hand and dollar store items! It looks great, is simple to make, and cost her $5! You can make topiaries to suit your seasons (wouldn’t a fall tree be pretty?), or make one and modify the decorations to suit the holidays, etc. [click here for the tutorial]

The dollar store is a great resource for styrofoam forms (balls, wreaths, and squares are usually available), as well as other faux floral items. My dollar store usually has an aisle full of this kind of stuff.

Project Estimate:

  • Styrofoam balls, $1
  • Moss, $1 and up
  • Small pot, $1 or on hand
  • Floral foam, $1 or on hand
  • Dowel, $1 or on hand
  • Hot glue, on hand

Cost: $2 and up


Bonus idea: Check out these cute personalized topiaries from Let it Shine, and her instructions for making them!