Reader dyp sent me this simple idea that her mother used to dress up some plastic flatware for a family holiday party.
Dyp says:
Last year for Thanksgiving my sister forced my mother to use * Gasp* disposable flatware for dinner. My mother, not one to under-do any event, surprised us all with this EXTREMELY simple flatware embellishment. Literally people talked about the spoons for the majority of the meal; people took the spoons home instead of doggy-bags. I wish I was joking, but I am not.
She used one pack of ornament hooks, some plastic spoons… and voila…
I told mom I was going to send this to your blog, she thought I was bluffing ;)
Project Estimate:
- Package of plastic spoons, $1
- Package of ornament hooks, $1
Total cost: $2
Young Wife
My mother always uses disposables for large family get togethers. I’m sending her a link to this. She will totally do it!
To add to this…
I found these spoons when I was decorating for the holidays and hung them on the Christmas tree. ( Yes, I never throw anything out.)
They sparkle and look great. AND if the kid or ferrets knock the tree over I won’t have to pick up glass.
My mother was not so amused, but I was.