seat belt covers
My little nephew came over the other day, and had a TERRIBLE mark across his neck.  The poor little boy is being rubbed raw by the seatbelt on his new carseat!  I immediately started thinking about how I would make little padded seatbelt covers for him, when — VOILA! — I had a vision!  I’d been hoarding some cute little pot holders for a while, hoping that inspiration would strike.  Strike it did!  This project only took me 5 minutes, tops!  [go to tutorial]

Project Estimate:

  • 2 hot pads, $1 each (found mine on the Target dollar aisle!)
  • velcro, $1 or on hand

Total:  $2 and up

(This simple project inspired me to come up with more pot holder projects, which I will be posting all week at my blog, Obsessively Stitching.  Check back!)