Reader Christine from Jane Avion cleverly created her own “feather tree” with wire and fun fur yarn she purchased at the dollar store. This amazing tree will cost you less than $10 to make, but it looks like a million bucks (isn’t that what they charge for cool decorations like this? I’m out of touch with regular retail prices). Check out her blog, where she shares the entire [tutorial for making a feather tree].
Project Estimate:
- 14 gauge wire, about $5
- 1 ball furry yarn, $1
- Wire pliers/cutters, on hand (or at dollar store for $1)
- Tall can, on hand
- Dry rice to fill the can, on hand
Total: $6
Chica and Jo
Great find! This has been added to our to-do list for sure!
Wonderful substitute for the real feather tree – and no allergies to contend with!
Becky Griffin
Precious. I’m off to the Dollar Tree to get some supplies. Thanks for sharing.
Oh, I LOVE feather trees. Darn that Martha lady who showed them to us years ago — they are SUPER spendy! I think the new ones (green ones; white is MUCH more expensive) are about $100 for a 2.5 to 3 foot one. (sigh)
Now I have to do THIS craft. Thanks for adding something to my “things I covet but must copy because they are priced ludicrously high” list. Really. :)