I’ve been waiting for those funky microfiber car wash mitts to show up at the dollar store again. This week, all my waiting finally paid off! They’re back, in new colors! I immediately snatched one up and turned it into this little fella. It’s really very simple, and took me only about 15 minutes to make. It’s certainly not rocket science, either — no measuring or patterns needed! Come see how I did it! [go to tutorial]
Project Estimate:
- wash mitt, $1
- handful of stuffing, on hand
- needle and thread, on hand
- googly eyes (optional), on hand
Total: $1 and up!
Caroline Sanchez (Care) has been sewing since her mom taught her the basics at around six years old. She has always been driven to CREATE, even from a very young age. She is mommy to two little boys and one baby girl, and almost every spare moment she has is spent in her sewing room or working on her blog, Obsessively Stitching
I nearly fell off my chair giggling and laughing when this little guy popped up on my screen! Brilliant! I love this little guy to pieces!
Erik Homemade
This little guy is so cute! Wouldn’t a basket of these look cute in on a bathroom shelf! I bet it was fun to create–Keep up the great work!
So cute and muppety.
Marie {Make and Takes}
Oh, Oh, Oh! I love this! I’ll be on the look out at my local dollar store!!