Ready for your mind to be blown? Those roses aren’t real. They’re made from coffee filters. I know! (Insert head explosion here) Sarah Jane from The Crafteteria is the genius mind behind these fabulous fakes. They appear to be time-consuming, but wow, they sure are beautiful! What would you use these for? Give me some of your good ideas in the comments! [and click here for how to make coffee filter roses]
My local dollar store has a decent floral section, including floral wire and tape, and I can also find coffee filters there.
Project Estimate:
- Paper coffee filters, $1
- Water color paint box, on hand
- Floral wire, $1
- Floral tape, $1
- Dowel or pencil, on hand
Total: $3
Jessica H
Holy. Crap.
Wow, those are beautiful – and I totally thought they were real! Checking out the tutorial for sure!
Wow! I never would have guessed those weren’t real! Or made of coffee filters!
Yeah! I think Jessica said it all! I am amazed – totally amazed. They look very real.
Uses you asked! Well the obvious – uncrushable boutonnieres and corsages for wedding attire!
Me? I would tie them to the branches of my summer seasonal tree, of course!
I made these yesterday for my mom! just a small bouquet and I put them in a soup can that i wrapped with ribbons…. came out gourgeous! they’re not as time consuming as you’d think.
What an unique idea. Love it.
Dawn B.
WOW! Infinately more easier to make than what I saw on Martha Stewart web page … and just as pretty!
Do you have some kind of award to give her? I’m still not convinced that they aren’t real. Those are SO beautiful and realistic.
Anna M.
They look so real, it’s amazing.
I made a few of these the other day and they came out BEAUTIFUL!! Thank you SO much for posting this– I’ll be using them at my wedding this Summer.
how to make coffee
Wow, that’s amazingly crafty! I imagine it will take a bit of work make those, but wow again!
I tired this out and featured it on my website today. Thanks for the tutorial!
GOR-GEOUS! I wish I had know about these when I made my wedding bouquet. They are soooo realistic! I think I may try to make them using food coloring instead of water colors as that is what I have on hand. Great Job! Give that girl a cookie!
I totally thought you were showing a picture of real roses and then the coffee filter ones were going to be under them… SO AWESOME! I still (almost) don’t believe those aren’t real roses. I love your site.. just started looking around, and I think I’ll stay a while.
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