A lot of you clever dollar store crafters have inspired me by taking frames and turning them into tools to help you manage your home. I decided to take a dollar store frame and make it into a babysitting info board because most of the info needed for babysitters is the same every time: your child’s name and age, bedtime, contact info, etc. This dry-erase board allows you to modify the info that changes like meals or any other special instructions. I think this would be a great low-cost baby shower gift, and ANYONE can make this. I posted my project over at Ohdeedoh. [click here for full tutorial]
Project Estimate:
- Frame (with glass insert), $1
- Dry erase pen, on hand or $1
- Printed out paper with contact info, on hand
Total: $1 and up
p.s. Here’s the info I put on my frame so you can cut & paste when you make your own. I left spaces under the lines where you would want to write notes:
Baby Sitter Information Sheet
Nancy’s Cell:
Sid’s Cell:
Where They’ll Be Tonight:
Expected home at:
Eat at ________:
Bedtime at _________:
Special Instructions:
In case of emergency:
Poison Control:
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As a babysitter I lovelovelove this idea!!!!!
I always thought it was weird that my parents had our name, address and phone on the fridge, but now I get how awesome it was for babysitters…even just if they were ordering pizza and couldn’t remember the address…but doubly important in an emergency!
Great idea!!
You might want to black out the contact info on the picture…
didn’t look close enough I guess…looks like it’s fake info. :)
Heather H
Um… as an aside, all of the person’s contact info and address, full names, etc, are all fully visible in that photo. Might wanna edit and blur?
It is a good idea, though. I’m past the baby sitting stage, because my oldest watches the younger two on the occasions (few and far between) when we need one.
@kizzie & @Heather – They’re fake names, address, & phone – I used an address that I know is in an industrial/business area and phones with the Hollywood ‘555’ prefix! :) Fake kids, too! My kids do watch Bolt and eat mac & cheese sometimes though!
this is AWESOME! thank you for sharing it..i hope you don’t mind..i used your photo and linked back to you for the photo and tutorial…i know a few friends of mine that read my blog would LOVE to do this project!
This is brilliant. There are so many things you could do with a dry erase marker and a dollar frame. I’m giddy just thinking of all the possibilities! Thank you!
Heather H
Ahhh… ok :)
Captive Illusions
What a cute idea! Thanks for sharing, I’m sure this would come in handy for people with frequent babysitting needs.
This is wonderful idea not just for babysitting, but you could also make version for older children spending the night to take to a friends house with emergency contact information, family doctor and preferred hospital, and where parent(s) will be that night.
Lady in a Smalltown
Great idea. I made a small notebook for our parents when they are watching our son. All the pages are in sheet protectors. The first page is a form like this.
Great idea, but I don’t have kids… How about a weekly menu? Monday, Tuesday…. you get the idea.
Tina Kubala
I have that exact frame with a black and white photo of my niece in it. I love Dollar Tree.
Brittany (aka Pretty Handy Girl)
Great idea! We are flipping our way through our babysitter notepad, so this will definitely be in our future!