A lot of you clever dollar store crafters have inspired me by taking frames and turning them into tools to help you manage your home. I decided to take a dollar store frame and make it into a babysitting info board because most of the info needed for babysitters is the same every time: your child’s name and age, bedtime, contact info, etc. This dry-erase board allows you to modify the info that changes like meals or any other special instructions. I think this would be a great low-cost baby shower gift, and ANYONE can make this. I posted my project over at Ohdeedoh. [click here for full tutorial]

Project Estimate:

  • Frame (with glass insert), $1
  • Dry erase pen, on hand or $1
  • Printed out paper with contact info, on hand

Total: $1 and up

p.s. Here’s the info I put on my frame so you can cut & paste when you make your own. I left spaces under the lines where you would want to write notes:

Baby Sitter Information Sheet
Nancy’s Cell:
Sid’s Cell:
Where They’ll Be Tonight:
Expected home at:
Eat at ________:
Bedtime at _________:
Special Instructions:
In case of emergency:
Poison Control:

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