Everyone has really been enjoying our dollar store challenges! You all did a fantastic job on the placemat challenge, and I know you’re all stashbusting-it-up this month, but here is another challenge to get your creative minds working:
Recycled Art Craft Challenge
I’m teaming up with Marie from Make and Takes to bring you a fun crafty challenge just in time for Earth Day. With just a few supplies, we want to see what you will come up with! We’re looking for crafty works of art, all with just a few simple materials. Starting today, April 12th through April 2oth, get your craft on!
Here’s the Challenge:
- create a work of art with one or more of the following supplies:
- paper tube
- egg carton
- plastic containers
- you can use any other supplies to help you create: paint, scissors, glue, tape, stickers, paper, etc.
- submit a final photo of your crafty creation to the Make and Takes flickr pool and the Dollar Store Craft flickr pool and you’re entered. Please use the words: “Recycled Art Challenge” in your photo title.
- 3 photos will be chosen in each of the following 5 categories to be featured on M&T and DSC:
- best use of a paper tube
- best use of a egg carton
- best use of a plastic container
- most colorful
- most functional
- Challenge entries must be submitted by April 20th at midnight to be featured on Earth Day, April 22nd.
The best part is, everyone’s a winner! We just want to see how creative you all are! So get your scissors holstered and tape ready to tear, it’s craft challenge time!!
My wheels are spinning! I can’t wait to see what everyone makes, but I have one question – can we submit more than one crafty creation?
@Anne, submit as many as you want!
Can it be a prior craft we have made, or does it have to be something we make after April 12th?
I was already planning to make something out of a toilet paper tube tonight to post on my blog tomorrow. I uploaded the photo to both Flickr groups just now.
Cool! Conveniently I have a stash of about a billion toilet paper tubes now! (Teacher horde thing. LOL)