Have you started decorating for Halloween yet? I love decorating my house for every holiday, but my budget doesn’t allow for much spending in the way of non-necessities. That’s why I was so thrilled when Meg of Mega Spooky sent us this awesome, uber-cheap Halloween project. She used coffee filters to make cobweb cutouts, and then she took it a step farther by assembling them into a festive garland. [how to make a coffee filter cobweb garland]
The finished garland is elegant enough to hang in your home, while still being cheap and simple enough to make for school Halloween party decorations. It would also be a great addition to the decor at a Halloween wedding. For larger cobwebs, look for commercial size coffee filters (restaurant supply stores usually carry them fairly cheaply). For miniature cobwebs, try using white cupcake liners instead.
Project estimate:
- Coffee filters, $1
- White thread or string, on hand or $1 and up
- Glue, on hand
Total: $1 and up
The Answer Is Chocolate
This is so cool!
Mod Podge Amy
SO fun! Love coffee, love Halloween!
Hi Rhonda,
Thanks for featuring my project!
so perfect for a kids project…i’m going to try this very soon with my grandson :D and i’d love to share this link with everyone on my blog! thank you so much for sharing and i’ll go check out Meg at MegaSpooky!
Awesome idea for decorating on the cheap!