Meg from Mega Spooky is the Halloween crafting queen.  She loves the holiday so much, she has an entire blog devoted to the topic of Halloween crafts!  (She also has another great craft blog, Mega Crafty, full of awesome ideas for the rest of the year.)  Her projects include some great ideas for Halloween treat bags.  If you’re a fan of the DSC Facebook page, you might have seen our recent mention of her coffee filter ghost treat bags; she also made some cute broomstick treat bags.  I’m loving her bat treat holders made using paper cones, perfectly sized for serving up a hefty portion of goodies at a Halloween party!   Meg hangs her finished bats from dead tree branches so that kids can have the added fun of choosing their own.  [how to make paper bat Halloween treat holders]

Project estimate:

  • Paper, on hand or $1
  • Glue, on hand
  • Stapler, on hand
  • String, yarn, or ribbon, on hand
  • Scotch tape, on hand
  • Marker, on hand

Total:  free and up

When it comes time to add faces to your bat cones there are endless options.  The most economical choice is to use a combination of cut paper and markers to create a face.  You can also use googly eyes, stickers, or clipart to make facial features.  Turn them into vampire bats by adding a touch of red marker to the tip of each fang.  However ou choose to decorate them, they are certain to delight their recipients!