I’ve recently ound myself up to my eyeballs in Halloween crafts (some of which, ironically, actually involve eyeballs). All of my favorite blogs are posting incredible ideas, and my inbox is chock full of even more projects from DSC readers. With so many incredible ideas swiftly filling up my web bookmarks, I feel compelled to share as many as possible!
Jennifer Leigh from Muse Lodge got techie with her Halloween crafts this season! She used Mocrosoft Excell to print out a pattern for making hanging spiderweb decorations – something I am not computer-savvy enough to think of myself. A few swoops with a Sharpie and a bit of folding later, the result is a fun little spiderweb, just waiting for a plastic spider to keep watch over it. [how to make hanging spiderweb decorations]
Using an orphaned sock, a bottle out of the recycling bin, and some odds and ends she had laying around, Heather from The Other White House spent nothing to make an awesome jack-o-lantern. Even if you don’t have all of the bits laying around, felt, pipe cleaners, and craft paint are all easy to find on the cheap. [how to make a recycled bottle and sock jack-o-lantern]
One of the most fun things about Halloween is throwing a party! Whether you are planning a kiddie party or an evening of cocktails, gauze-wrapped party invitations like the ones made by Carolyn of Carolyn’s Homework are frightfully fun. Carolyn is throwing a mummy-themed party and is posting a series of projects for the party on her blog, so if you like the invitations, be sure to check out the rest of her ideas! [how to make mummy Halloween party invitations]
This awesome spiderweb table runner was designed by Mandy of Mandy’s Yellow Corner, who shared it as a guest post at Mine for the Making. Use a plain black table runner or any long strip of black fabric and some white string, you can embroider your own masterpiece. The post includes video instructions for the knots used in the project as well. [how to make an embroidered spiderweb table runner]
Meanwhile at zakka life, Jessica has come up with yet another use for chalkboard paint. She painted a craft pumpkin with it, creating a pumpkin that you can change at your whim! Use it to greet your guests or try out an array of silly faces. And the best part is, you can reuse it year after year. [how to make a chalkboard pumpkin]
Thanks for sharing such a great roundup!! So glad you are the one getting the mail now. :) Great projects, everyone!
Thanks for featuring the chalkboard pumpkin in such a great roundup!
If my company does another media night next year, I’m definitely doing those cute invites!
Oh btw the skull soaps were a hit as party favors.