After a few years of keeping my eye out for cheap crafts with a big wow factor, I’ve seen a LOT of crafts. Because I’ve seen so many crafts, it’s a little harder to impress me now. Well, my jaw actually dropped when I saw this faux stained glass by Suzy’s Artsy Craftsy Sitcom. Can you figure out how she made it? It almost looks authentic (much like her genius toilet paper roll faux wrought iron). I bet you can make this project with what you already have in your craft stash! The best kind of craft: cheap, amazing, and you don’t need anything special to make it. [how to make faux stained glass windows]
Project Estimate:
- Frame with glass, on hand or $1 and up
- One bottle of white glue, on hand
- One bottle of clear glue, on hand or $1
- Acrylic paints, on hand
- Black permanent marker, on hand
- Craft blade, on hand
- Glass glue (like E-6000), on hand
- Drawn pattern (or page from a coloring book), on hand
Total: Free and up
Wow! This is going into my homeschool art file!
hey Heather very nice peacock….I do stained glass painting alot and had been looking at a cost effective way to make my own paint because the major brands are just sooooooo expensive these days..I have a few questions for ya… mentioned in your supply list that you used clear glue and you said it was about 1.00…what brand and where did you find yours? I found Aleene’s clear glue for about 1.47 at my local walmart and was wondering what you used? …..lastly, how long ago did you paint your peacock and how well is it holding up as far as fading? again your peacock is beautiful…
Cydnee Kaine
So I’m decorating a mirror in a faux stained glass motif and I think I spent 15$ on glass paints. I just find this hysterical because I have so much plain-o-glue that I don’t know what to do with. I now know this for next time however.
Suzy Myers
Thank you so much for featuring my Faux Stained Glass!! Wow! Thank you!
Answering Bradford’s questions:
The glue was purchased at the dollar store, but any white glue and clear glue should work. It definitely wasn’t the expensive version.
The peacock was painted several weeks ago and is in the window of my guest room. So far, no fading and I’m thinking that I shouldn’t have a problem with that as the colorant is acrylic paint and it seems to do well with sun.
Amy W.
I made a few of these with both my 6 y/o at home and the Youth Group at church. They’ve turned out fairly well. We did it a little different as we made them on sheets of clear plastic. And put them in the window by punching holes in the top and hanging them on suction cups with hooks. they’re a bit flimsy but less breakable this way. Thanks for the idea!
This is an awesome craft! I made two of my own over the course of a couple weekends. I hung mine on the walls and because I couldn’t get the glass to come out of a frame (seriously, Dollar General!) I have the glue side facing the wall which I think will actually make them easier to clean. Also, you can paint on top of the black lines and not worry about discoloring them since it’ll be viewed from the other side!
They turned out great and I backed them with aluminum foil to reflect light to give some illusion of back-lighting.
Oh, and I bought my glue at WalMart. Elmer’s white glue and Elmer’s clear glue. I was worried about the white glue drying clear (the label says it will) but that doesn’t seem to matter once you add the acrylic paint. I also added a bit of silver metallic paint to the black to make it look more metal-y.
Could not find directions.Stopped after materials needed
Hi Erika, the instructions for this craft are not on our website, but if you click the how-to link at the end of the first paragraph it will take you to Suzy’s site, where you can see the full tutorial! The link is in brackets [like this].