Bow ties are totally in right now, and that makes me happy. I’ve always liked the look. My inner geek likes to think that Doctor Who made them cool again. But does such a classic look ever really go out of style? I like to think not. That’s why I’m loving this bow tie necklace by Melissa of Ador. It’s a great girly adaptation of what is traditionally a gentleman’s attire. It’s also got stashbusting potential, since I’ve got both piles of fabric and bags of old costume jewelry to dig through! [how to make a bow tie necklace]
Project estimate:
- Fabric, on hand
- Chain necklace, on hand or $1 and up
Total: Free and up
I heart Matt Smith, the 11th Doctor! :)
This is a super cute project.
Bowties are cool ;). Would love to make this!
Wahoo! The 80s are back! I may be aging myself, but back in the early 80s when I was in high school, the tuxedo look was the in thing for girls. The nautical look is back in, too. Would love to see some DIY nautical looks. Sailor collars anyone?
Eleven is my Doctor. I now know what I’m wearing for my viewing party on the 23!