May is National Date Your Mate month, and it just happens to be the month of my anniversary. I need to start brainstorming ways to WOW my husband. I always find that kind of hard to do, how about you? What are your suggestions for impressing your significant other?

Does your husband like any of the stuff you make for him? If so, how about some of these great ideas (both romantic and practical) for sharing love:

I’m hosting a discussion over at the International Delights Coffee Talk community, so pour a cup of coffee (my current: Ethiopian Yirgacheffe made in a french press), and come join me!

What’s one thing you can do to WOW your significant other?

coffee talk



I just heard that May is National Date Your Mate Month. What’s one thing your significant other could do to really WOW you? And what’s one thing you could do to WOW your SO?

Visit the “May is National Date Your Mate month” Discussion

d: i’m a paid member of the Coffee Talk Community