Does your kitchen or dining room table need something new to wear?  If you either a) don’t have a sewing machine, b) are terrified of sewing projects, or c) are running very short on time these days, you may think that making a table runner is out of your reach.  Not so!  (Not sew?)  Madigan from Madigan Made used a couple of dollar store dish towels, some ribbon, and fusible web to make herself a festive, springy table runner that didn’t require a single stitch.  [how to make a no-sew table runner from towels]

Project estimate:

  • 2-3 kitchen towels, $2 and up
  • Ribbon, on hand or $1 and up
  • Fusible web, on hand or about $2
  • Iron, on hand

Total:  $2 and up