If your design aesthetic includes things that are worn and aged, you probably enjoy the look of rust and patina.  Carolyn from Carolyn’s Homework was planning to let some recycled tin cans sit outside and rust naturally to use them as planters, but then she had a stroke of inspiration.  She found some fabulous images of different rusts and patinas and decided that some decoupage was in order instead.  Didn’t they turn out fab?  They have all the beauty and detail of nature’s version without requiring any more patience than the time it takes for the Mod Podge to dry.  Ah, instant gratification!   [how to make faux patina cans]

Project estimate:

  • Tin cans, on hand
  • Paper, on hand
  • Rust and patina images, free
  • Mod Podge, on hand

Total:  Free