design star dollar store room

Do you watch Design Star? I started watching a couple years ago, and I completely love it. My favorite TV genre is reality with a creative element. Anything real-life where people have to make stuff is the best! Add a dash of competition, and I’m sold. Design Star is all about HGTV’s search for the next host for their network. Contestants must be able to design a great room and be able to present the room naturally on camera.

The room in this photo is from Season 2 when they did a… wait for it… 99 CENT STORE challenge! This was my favorite room in the challenge. Can you spot any of the dollar store raw materials?

HGTV design star

Season 6 of Design Star starts tonight, July 11th at 9/8c!

Will you be tuning in?

If you’ve never watched it before, don’t worry, because you can catch up on ALL the previous seasons at That’s what I did when I discovered the show (three years late). I love watching a whole season of a show in one or two days. Am I the only one who does that?

design star group

I’m excited to meet the new contestants!

d: sponsored post. Opinions are all mine.