As crafty as I am and as hard as I may try, I’m really not very good at decorating cakes. I’ve made several attempts in the past that all ended in frustration and additional respect for people who have crazy cake decorating skills, like my sister-in-law who can pipe roses in her sleep. If you want to make a plain cake look fabulous but don’t have the patience or confidence to try anything too fancy, try making this korker ribbon cake banner by Tricia at Sweeter Than Sweets. She shows how to korker grosgrain ribbon, a process that makes the ribbon hold a tight, spiraling curl. By using ribbons in different colors you can customize your banner to coordinate with any holiday or party theme! [how to make a korker cake banner]
Project estimate:
Grosgrain ribbon, on hand or $1 and up
Wooden dowels, on hand or $1 and up
Clothespins, on hand or $1
Cookie sheet, on hand
Oven, on hand
Lighter, on hand
Embroidery floss or string, on hand or $1
Straws or chopsticks, on hand or $1
Hot glue or, on hand
Total: Free and up
Tricia @ SweeterThanSweets
Thanks so much for featuring my Korker Cake Banner tutorial! I’m so flattered and this truly is a cheap, easy way to “decorate” a cake! =)