If you subscribe to the “bigger is better” school of thought, you’ll want to put these oversized dice on your to-do list!  Desirée from The 36th Avenue made a couple of variations on them, and I’m totally smitten!   If you’ve got scrappy odds and ends of lumber laying around, you won’t even have to fork out the money for the wood, which is the most expensive component of the project!  The traditional dice are really fun, but I’m excited about he possibilities of the ones with words!  You can use this idea to make almost anything into a game!  (Peter Pan syndrome, anyone?)  [how to make giant wooden dice]

Price estimate:

  • 4×4 lumber, about $7
  • Drill, on hand
  • 3/4 inch drill bit, on hand or about $10
  • Dice (for reference), on hand
  • Paint, on hand
  • Paper, on hand
  • Glue, on hand

Total:   about $7 and up