I’m very much an outdoorsy kind of girl, so I find a lot of appeal in crafts using items from nature. So as you can imagine, when I saw this rustic, woodsy clothes hanger by Maize of The Maize Hutton Blog, it was love at first sight. They’re so easy to make, and they would be a really cute way to present a gifted garment or photograph clothing items for an Etsy or Artfire shop. They would also make a great addition to the guest bedroom in a log cabin or hunting lodge type of decor. Or just make them because they are awesome! [how to make woodsy clothes hangers]
Project estimate:
- Branch, on hand
- Wire hanger, on hand or $1
- Wire cutters, on hand
- Drill, on hand
- Glue, on hand
Total: Free and up
Lisa M.
very cool hanger! Definitely going to try it!
Brenda Wickline
What an interesting blog! Looks like a place I could spend a good bit of time and get some good ideals.
Jessica Moore
What an amazing blog, I love frugal finds!
R Hayhurst
Wow! Enjoyed reading this article as well as older ones on your blog!
Crafty Mariko
Love this! Fantastic!!!
I’m so glad I found your blog!! I love crafts, especially when I can do them without spending a small fortune!!
Visiting from mycraftchannelblog.blogspot.com for a chance to win a Cricut. I’m already a follower of your blog! Thanks.
Patty Martinez
I am here from the craftstvchannel blog.
What a cool blog you have!!
I will be following you from now on!
Awesome project
B. Roberts
Visiting from my craft channel.
teresa b
Ooohh I could us that when photographing wedding dresses!!
This is an awesome idea!!!
Very meat project idea :)!
what a nifty use for a twig! Who would of thunk ;-D
Very cute idea. The one that I realy liked is your stamp made out of celery. Thank you for sharing.
staci johnson
I’m so excited to see more of you ladies on the craft channel!! Woohoo!!
I sure do love visiting the dollar store and love ideas for using the fun things found there.
cool blog
Love these old fashion craft ideas. The hanger is neat. Great idea.
love the idea of bringing the outside in =)