If you’re like me, you keep an eye open at thrift stores for any cheap leather items to cut up and turn into other things. (Who can argue with a couple yards worth of leather for just a few bucks?) Here’s a project that’s great for using up a little bit of that stash: magic braided leather bracelets! Melissa from I Still Love You has an awesome tutorial on her blog, including a printable template, so you can learn how to make this easy but impossible-looking design. [how to make a magic braided leather bracelet]
Project estimate:
- Leather, on hand or $1 and up
- Printable template, free
- Craft knife, on hand
- Button or snap, on hand
Total: Free is up
I have always wondered how in the heck to braid leather like that! Thanks for posting this!
Craft blog
Cute and easy ideas for kids. thanks