For my first baby shower, back in 2006, I was adamant about one thing: no cheesy baby shower games! Instead, I insisted that my friends get a little crafty. Our only “activity” was to embroider washcloths for the new baby (who became Lewis, my now 5 year-old!). I love baby shower ideas that are creative and unique. Jennifer Perkins of Naughty Secretary Club had a DIY onesie baby shower before her daughter was born – I think that’s a perfect way to celebrate at a baby shower. What are your favorite baby shower themes, games, and ideas? Share in the comments!
Becoming a mother has been one of the craziest, and most important things that has ever happened to me. Today I’m sharing an essay about the most difficult moment of my first son’s birth for ABC News and the UN Foundation’s Million Moms Challenge. Here’s a sneak peek at the essay:
But the worst moments of my pregnancy were when I was close to giving birth. I was in the “pushing” stage. There was a monitor attached to my son’s scalp so they could make sure his heart kept beating during the labor process. As I would push, his heartbeat would stop. As soon as the doctor noticed that the baby’s heart kept stopping, she told me that they had no other recommendation but to rush me to surgery and give me a c-section. The umbilical cord was wrapped around my son’s neck.
Go to Million Moms Challenge to read my essay, and to share your own birth stories. You can enter to win an exclusive Million Moms Challenge Gift Pack, which includes an all expenses paid trip to a conference on mothers hosted by the UN Foundation in DC (Jan/Feb 2012), an iPad2, a custom-made Million Moms Challenge pendant and $50 donation in your name to Global Giving.
I had a baby shower for a friend that craved apples while she was pregnant. So I bought a variety of apples and set up an art station with paints, crayons, pencil crayons and different sized pieces of paper and had everyone at the party draw an apple. Then I took everyone’s masterpieces and collaged them together in a shadow box frame to be hung in the baby’s room. I was so happy with how it turned out.
I had the exact same thing happen with my son. The monitor, the heart rate, the cord around his neck, the emergency c-section. I’ve never been as terrified in my life as I was then.
Mama Squirrel
We had a “Toys for Boys” party two years ago for a family friend. We played a name-that-old-toy game and picked out “virtual presents” from vintage catalogue pages. You can read a blog post with the details by clicking on my signature.
I love the crafty idea. As a childless woman I am afraid of baby showers :) but I would totally go to a craft themed one! And make things for the baby! Yay!
Stefanie Gott-Dinsmore
That’s fun, wish I had thought of demanding that for mine! I hate those dopey games. And fortunately, both friends that gave the showers knew that and didn’t make me go through much. :)
Amy T
Just wanted to let you know that I pinned this post on pininterest. What a great idea for a baby shower!