With the third Toy Story movie still fresh in recent memory and rumors of a fourth film floating around the internet, it’s a pretty safe bet that the now-16-year-old franchise isn’t going anywhere. The movie brought cowboy play back into popularity with American children, who will be giddy when they see these DIY hobby horses by Dutch blogger Hetty from lightbluegrey. Make one as the ultimate accessory for a cowboy Halloween costume, or as an everyday plaything for your favorite little cowpoke! [how to make a sock hobby horse]
Project estimate:
- Sock, on hand or $1
- Broom handle or dowel, on hand or $1 and up
- Thick yarn or mop head, on hand or $1 and up
- Rope, on hand
- Belt or scrap leather, on hand or $1 and up
- Felt, on hand
- Polyfill, on hand or about $3
- Key rings, on hand or $1
- Buttons, on hand
Total: Free and up
Nessa The Procrastinator
Oh man, this is so cute. :) What a great inexpensive idea!
I had one of these as a child. Loved it!
Great idea! Now I have an inexpensive gift idea for the 3 yr old and 4 yr old boys on my gift list!
I had one of those when I was a kid too! Mine had a denim fringe mane from an old pair of my Dad’s jeans.