My son is a big Harry Potter fan, and wanted to be Draco Malfoy, dressed as a Death Eater, for Halloween this year.  Now I haven’t seen the last movies, but I don’t think Draco actually ever dons a Death Eater mask, but my child was undeterred.  He was going to be Death Eater Draco.  I’d seen several tutorial out there for making Death Eater masks, but they all looked way too complex.  This is a quick fix dollar store solution that worked out quite nicely.

Project estimate:

  • Skeleton mask, $1
  • Spray paint, on hand or $1 and up
  • Sharpie, on hand

Total:  $1 and up

Starting point was a foam mask from the dollar store (I got mine at Family Dollar for $1)

Here is what it looked like before, just a simple skeleton mask:

I then cut out a several vertical slits in the mouth area.  (It started with 1 horizontal slit)  Since this mask was foam, that was easily done with scissors.

Next, we spray-painted it silver, and then a dusting of black to dull it up a bit.

Finally, when it was dry, a regular sized black sharpie was used to draw all the designs.  I got inspiration by looking at masks from the movie online.  I just freehanded all the swirls and squiggles, adding more designs until it looked good to me.

And that’s about it!

You can photos/video of the costume in action (I also made him a robe, and a scarf, and my husband made him a cool Harry Potter broom) over at (Draco Malfoy, Death Eater costume).