My Halloween aesthetic isn’t for everyone.  I like things that are scary and strange, things that a lot of “normal” folks might not appreciate.  I have a feeling that my adoration for this junk-o-lantern from Small Hands Big Art might fall into that love-it-or-loathe-it category.  It kind of reminds me of the styling of the robots in the movie “Robots.”  This is a great way to use up some of those random odds and ends that you’ve been saving because you knew that someday they would come in handy.  Connoisseurs of the junk drawer, someday has arrived!  [how to make a junk-o-lantern]

Project estimate:

  • Pumpkin, on hand or about $3 and up
  • Random junk, on hand
  • Glue, on hand

Total:  Free and up

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