While looking at a pencil cup she got at IKEA, Camilla from Family Chic noted that the mesh surface would be perfect for needlepoint. She whipped out some yarn and made a lovely little sampler! There are a couple of things that I really appreciate about this project: 1) that it’s perfect for using up some of the loads and loads of scrap yarn I’ve hoarded, and 2) that if you get tired of the pattern, you can easily cut it off and give it a re-do! Camilla even made one with a cute spider motif for Halloween. You can make them match any theme or occasion! [how to make a needlepoint pencil cup]
Project estimate:
- Wire mesh pencil cup, $1 and up
- Yarn, on hand or $1 and up
Total: $1 and up
Pat Austin
Love the idea of the needlepoint pencil cup. Disappointing that the link to the pattern is broken. I’ll check back later and see if it’s working. Really cute idea!
@Pat, the link is fixed now. It had a missing slash. http://cfabbridesigns.com/craft-projects/needlepoint-pencil-cup