I love old rotary phones. I love their squat, curvy look, the clickity-click sound they make when you spin the dial, and even the loud, fire-alarm-like ringer. But I’m a cell-phone-only girl, so my lack of a land line means I have no use for one. That is, unless I were to tear one apart and make this awesome rotary phone purse from Chica and Jo! They even provide a printable pattern to cut out the shape of the bag. Look for old rotary phones at thrift stores (it doesn’t even have to work!); for the body of the purse, if you don’t have leather or vinyl laying around, you could use a thrifted garment or a dollar store vinyl tablecloth. The finished purse definitely makes a statement, and the rotary dial even still works! How cool is that? [how to make a retro rotary phone purse]
Project estimate:
- Printable pattern, free
- Rotary phone, about $5 and up
- Vinyl or leather, on hand or $1 and up
- Sewing machine, on hand
- Purse clasp, $1 and up
- Ribbon, on hand
- Glue, on hand
- Cardboard, on hand
- Lining fabric, on hand or $1 and up
Total: about $5 and up
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