We know our readership has mixed feeling about Project Runway; some of you love to hate it, and some of you just can’t get enough.  No matter how you feel about the show, there is one thing that holds true: the best episode of every season is the unconventional challenge.  Especially on the occasions where that challenge involves the dollar store!  In case you missed last night’s premier of Project Runway All Stars, that’s exactly where the contestants had to shop for their materials!  (As if more Mondo wasn’t already enough reason to watch!)

I checked the Lifetime website today hoping that there would be a video posted of the full episode, but alas all I could find so far were clips and photos.  (Maybe they aren’t offering streaming versions of the Allstars episodes, or maybe they are a little slow on the draw today?) (Update: the full episode is now available for streaming!)  If you missed the episode, you can head over there to check out the creations and see who was fab and who was a flop!  [Project Runway All Stars dollar store challenge episode]