Do you know anyone who knits? We’ve found the perfect gift to make for them! How adorable is this knitter’s necklace? Designed by Think Crafts contributor Stephanie, this quick and easy project will be treasured by the yarn lovers in your life. (Heck, I can’t knit to save my life, and even I want one for myself!) It’s also a great way to use up those tiny bits of yarn that are too small for many other applications. [how to make a knitter’s necklace]
Project estimate:
- Large bead, on hand
- Head pin, on hand or $1 and up
- String or yarn, on hand
- Toothpick, on hand
- Small beads, on hand
- Glue, on hand
- Chain, $1 and up
Total: $1 and up
Stephanie@Henry Happened
this is truly adorable! I wish I were a better knitter myself, so this could be motivational, haha!