Sink Mat Rag Rug

I have always loved rag rugs.  (I love anything which gives me the opportunity to reuse worn out things around my house!)  Since sink mats have always looked like latch hook mats to me, I was inspired to make a rug out of them.  Use this method to make any size rug you need by simply adding more sink mats!


Project estimate:

  • Sink mats, $1 each (I used two)
  • Old sheet set or other fabric scraps, on hand

Total: $2 and up

Sink Mat Rag Rug

First thing you will need to do is prepare all your fabric strips.  I cut my strips from an old queen sized sheet set.  Cut them 1 inch wide by 6 inches long.  I used my rotary cuter and board, but you can easily use scissors and a ruler.  It took one complete sheet and a small portion of another.

Sink Mat Rag Rug

Before you begin tying you will need to trim the two sides of the mats which will be joined together.  This will help the holes to line up evenly so you can bind the two mats together.



Now you are ready to begin tying on your strips.  You simply need to tie strip to each section on the mat. I doubled up my fabric strips to make the material on the mat fuller, which gave it a softer feel.  You may choose to double knot if you would like to insure a better hold.  Continue tying on all the long sections until your rug is complete.

To attach the mats to each other, place them so that the edges overlap and tie fabric strips through both mats.  You can make your mat larger by placing more mats together.  If you find that your completed mat is slips on the floor you can add a nonslip mat to the bottom – the shelf liner from the dollar store works great for this!

Sink Mat Rag Rug

This is what your completed bottom will look like.

Sink Mat Rag Rug

Here is a quick close up of applying the material.


When I completed my rug I put it in the bathroom.  It adds some charm to the decor and also makes my feet happy!