I love scarves. It’s a crazy obsession of mine. My poor husband has to deal with them hanging on everything in the closet, tucked in every hole and all over the floor. I needed to come up with a plan to clean them up before he started tossing them out. I was at the Dollar Store and found wall racks, but I don’t have a ton of wall space in my closet. So I paired with a clothes hanger it became a very practical tool for hanging all my scarves and saves me a ton of space!
Project estimate:
- 2 wall hook racks, $2
- Velvet hanger (2 pack), $1
- Zip ties, on hand or $1
- Scissors, on hand
Total: $3.00 and up
This will be the easiest craft you will ever make and will have the biggest impact on your organization in your closet. All you have to do is place the velvet hanger between the two racks. (I used a velvet one because they are thin and help to not make the project bulky.) Using the zip ties, starting in the top corner on either side, secure the racks together around the hanger.
Continuing securing with zip ties on the top and bottom. I used eight zip ties, four on top and four on the bottom. You may use more or less depending on how much weight it will be holding. Once you have placed all zip ties on, snip the long ends.
That’s it! Your done! Your closet will look organized and everything will be within reach.
Michelle L
Summer, you are a mad genius! I love this brilliant idea – thanks, I need it like you wouldn’t believe. (Also have a husband who is sick of all the scarves.)
this would be awesome for all my jewelry as well. what a neat idea! Thanks
Even better idea is using it for those camisoles every color of the rainbow and all the hanger space they take up. I could use it for that.
Love it!! This is actually the best scarf hanger that I’ve ever seen! Plus it looks totally professional, like you bought it this way, well done!!
So clever!!
I’m so happy I stumbled upon this site. I think I’ve been driving my friends crazy, because finding a cost-efficient way to organize my belts and jewelry is all I’ve been talking about for months. The best thing is I have everything for this DIY already. I love the DT.
Thanks for sharing!