Secret Society of Bubblers - a new Christmas Tradition. If you like Elf on a Shelf, you'll enjoy this!

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One of the best things about having children is that it really helps you to recapture the magic of the holiday season! All the traditions of Christmas become fun again when you get to carry them out with your children. A lot of fun kids’ traditions surround our Christmas: cutting down our own tree, the boys decorating the tree to the sounds of Christmas music, buying a Christmas cookie magazine and picking our favorite recipe to try, and on and on. This year, we are trying a new tradition: The Secret Society of Bubblers.

pssst… check out our GIVEAWAY below, too!

What is it?
The Secret Society of Bubblers is a kids’ Christmas Adventure that teaches kids about the power, importance and magic of kindness.
  • Encourages children to look for ways to be kind — looking for ways to be extra special kind!
  • Secret Society of Bubblers strives to promote kindness in young children to combat bullying trend
  • Secret Society of Bubblers teaches kids that being “good” is not about “not being naughty” — it’s about being KIND.

Our Secret Bubblers

Secret Society of Bubblers - a new Christmas adventure

The other night while my three boys were finishing up dinner, I dimmed the lights and brought out a special envelope. I told them that they got a letter, and read it to them.


When you get your kit, you’ll receive a few things: a letter with a story, a certificate, tokens, bubbles, and a magnifying glass.

Secret Society of Bubblers magnifying glass

I read the letter out loud to the boys, and they were really interested in it. The jist of the letter is that your child will be helping a Microscopic Elf earn a place in Santa’s Workshop. It seems that there are tiny “microscopic” elves born all over the world, and the only way they can fulfill their dream of making it to the North Pole is through the kindness of a child they select to be their “Bubbler.”

The letter asks your child to name his or her elf. Since I have three boys, I asked them all what they wanted to name their elf. They all had different answers: Alfred, Keith, and Fred. I asked them if they wanted to vote on one name, and they all voted for their own nomination (of course!) so we settled on this: the elf will be named Alfred Keith-Fred.

When we were done reading the letter, Gideon said, “Who sent that letter? Was it Santa? I hope it was Santa.”

secret society of bubblers

To send your elf to the North Pole, you have to get caught being kind — above and beyond kind. And when you are caught being kind, you get B-Kind Tokens.


Each kit has five “B KIND” tokens – each featuring a different elf. And this is the fun part! Your child should complete acts of kindness to receive these tokens, and then their elf gives the tokens in discreet ways (under the pillow, etc). They will believe that the elves are watching and noticing their good deeds. That is what I love about the Secret Society of Bubblers – it teaches kids that being “good” is not about “not being naughty” — it’s about being KIND!

So far, my boys have:

  • Evander (age 5) shared a piece of his Halloween candy with me without being asked.
  • Lewis (age 7) put a new toilet paper roll on the holder in the bathroom. (Has that EVER happened before? ha!)
  • Gideon (age 4) shared some building blocks with his brother, but I think it was a play for a token! At least he is practicing kindness.

Once your child has earned the five tokens, you get to fill in the certificate and give it to them along with the magic bubbles. This is another opportunity to get creative! Hide the certificate and bubbles somewhere that would be fun to discover. They’ll love it! ON Christmas Eve, your child will blow the bubbles so that his or her elf can travel to Santa’s Workshop.

If you are a fan of “magical traditions” for Christmas, you’ll enjoy this kit.

For more information about the Secret Society of Bubblers, visit their blog, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest. And because they love you, they are currently offering 30% off of each adventure set using the code “kindmoms.” Grab yours while you can!

Camera Giveaway!

Enter to win a Canon Camera!

Finally, myself and several bloggers who are also sharing the kits are hooking you up with something that will help you capture the “magic” of this holiday season. Enter to win below!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Disclosure: this article may contain affiliate links or other forms of sponsored content. Opinions are 100% the author's. Full disclosure policy.
  • Mary C

    SO excited about the camera giveaway! Mine died.

  • Liza

    I love the magic of the holidays!

  • Fire

    Hey, have you considered doing a giveaway that does NOT involve Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest before? I know you have fans without these things, and think it would be great for you to include them.

  • Kelly

    What a great idea! I just bought one today and I cannot wait to start my adventure with the kids on Monday!! What a fabulous was to instill the magic of kindness along with the holiday spirit that will come Along with it. I love the art work and why not inspire our kds through the idea of kindness rather than just teach them not to be naughty!? Thanks for sharing!