When you’re a kid, getting something in the mail is a pretty big deal. (Heck, even as an adult I get excited about anything that isn’t a bill or junk!) What you may not know about the mail is, you can send all kinds of stuff besides just boxes! I once knew somebody who attached a mailing label directly to a playground-style rubber ball and sent it to her nieces and nephews. Crazy, right? Kierste from Simply Kierste took advantage of the post office’s odd package policy and decided to try sending her kids Easter eggs in the mail! Imagine the looks on your kiddos’ faces when the mailman brings them a special delivery from the Easter Bunny – or anyone of any age, for that matter. It’ll be such an unexpected surprise! [how to send Easter eggs in the mail]
Project estimate:
- Jumbo plastic egg, $1
- Candy, on hand or $1 and up
- Easter grass, on hand or $1
- Postage, about $3
Total: about $4 and up