As someone who is obsessed with miniatures, I squealed a little bit when I first saw this tiny version of the classic leg lamp (as seen in “A Christmas Story”), which was created by Instructables user seamster. Already amazed at the scale – it’s made from a Barbie leg – I then realized something else completely amazing – this one is even a working lamp! Crazy, right? If you’re up for it, the instructions show you how to add the electrical components – or you can skip that bit if you’re not comfortable with your wiring skills and go for one that’s just for show. [how to make a miniature leg lamp]
Project estimate:
- Fashion doll, on hand or $1
- Fine-tip Sharpie, on hand or $1
- Yellow paper, on hand
- Lampshade template, free
- Fringe trim, $1
- Glue, on hand
- Barbie shoe (or clay), on hand
- Wooden circle, on hand or $1
- Electrical components (optional), about $2 and up
Total: about $1 and up
You really can’t do this as it is a Copyright infringement.
Crafty Creative Gal
What a clever idea! But poor Barbie has to sacrifice a leg :0(