In case you haven’t guesses yet, I am a Dollar Tree junkie – my local store is in my neighborhood, so I usually stop several times a week. It’s not uncommon for me to make 6 or even 7 trips there in a week. Some days I walk out with just two or three things, and other times I leave with multiple bags loaded full of goodies. I recently had one of the latter type of trips – check out all of the great things I found!
Rhonda Greene is a lifelong resident of West Michigan. She participated in her first craft show at the age of 10, selling jewelry made from found objects. She lives with her husband, Adam, and two cats, Merlin and Abracadabra. She is especially fond of collecting adhesives and fasteners, her favorites of which include Mod Podge, duct tape, and grommets. Read more from Rhonda on her blog, Oh That Mrs. Greene.
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