I bet when you see a bag of plastic bugs at the dollar store, “pretty” isn’t one of the first words to come to mind.  That is, unless you are Heather!  She elevated a plastic bee with a sparkly makeover, turning it into a trendy necklace.  After you watch this video, you will want to figure out what other ways you can turn blingy bugs into fabulous jewelry!

Glitter Bee Necklace - Elevate a cheap plastic bee with a sparkly makeover, turning it into a trendy necklace.

Project estimate:

  • Plastic bugs, $1
  • Nail polish, on hand or $1
  • Glitter, on hand or $1
  • Mod Podge, on hand
  • Jump rings, on hand
  • Chain, on hand or $1 and up

Total:  $1 and up

Glitter Bee Necklace

Paint the bee with nail polish.

Glitter Bee Necklace

Sprinkle glitter over the nail polish.

Glitter Bee Necklace

Paint over the glitter with Mod Podge and let dry.

Glitter Bee Necklace

Punch holes in the wings with a small hole punch.

Glitter Bee Necklace

Attach the bee to a chain using jump rings.

Glitter Bee Necklace