It’s always a good time for showing off your patriotic pride! Whether you use it to display for patriotic holidays, you show it in support of a national sports team, or you just want to add a bit of red, white, and blue to your decor, this American flag inspired bandana wreath is a fabulous way to dress up any wall or door.
Project estimate:
- Pool noodle wreath form with red noodle, $1 (see Pool Noodle Wreath Form Tutorial)
- Bandanas (red, white, and blue), about $5 and up
- Straight pins, on hand
- Black zip ties or rubber bands, on hand or $1 and up
- Mod Podge or white glue, on hand or $1
- Poster board, on hand or $1
- White felt, on hand or $1
- Hot glue, on hand
Total: about $6 and up
Cut all the bandanas in half.
Starting with the first stripe, which is red, fold each bandana as shown above.
Lay the wreath on top of it, gather the ends and hold it close to the wreath. Fold over any edges that show the wrong side of the bandana.
Attach a zip tie as close to the wreath as possible. Cut off the excess. Continue doing this until you have placed all thirteen stripes.
Take one of the blue bandana halves and pin it to the wreath so that the red pool noodle won’t show through.
The blue bandanas will be folded slightly different and won’t use as many. Cover the rest of the wreath using the same technique with the blue bandanas as you did with the stripes.
Draw stars or print off some from the Internet. I used three different sizes. Cut them out of the poster board and brush on white glue. Lay them face down on the white felt and place a heavy object on them while they are drying. The poster board backing will give the stars structure so they don’t get floppy! After the glue dried, cut out the stars.
Pour somewhite glue or Mod Podge in a bowl and add some hot water. Mix with the glue in the bowl. Using the sponge brush, apply it to the outside edges of the wreath on the bandanas. This will keep the bandanas from drooping.
Hot glue the stars to the blue area to finish the design.
1 Comment
The American flag always has the white stripe below and touching the blue ground.