There are some things that I never like to throw away because they have so many fun uses – and one of those things is the humble egg carton! I especially like the paper-y cartons, which can be upcycled into sleek and stylish crafts like this wreath! German blogger Rebecca at Sinnen Rausch created it with some cleverly-trimmed egg cartons and a few basic supplies. The tutorial is in German so you may need to run it through Google Translate, but the pictures are really nice so you should be able to get the basic idea of the project from them. [how to make a recycled egg carton wreath]
Project estimate:
- Egg cartons, on hand
- Scissors, on hand
- Paint, on hand or $1 and up
- Hot glue, on hand
- Eucalyptus or other botanicals, $1 and up
Total: $1 and up